Our activities


We offer psychological support to patients with psychological problems and raise awareness among drug consummers.

Income generating activities

We organize small income-generating activities to keep patients busy and be useful in society.

Family reunification

We organize awareness sessions for patients for positive change and families on behavioral model as well as protection of their children.

Visits churches and prayer cells

The patients meet regularly in a prayer cell created by the Pentecostal Church, but also, on Sundays, they go to neighboring churches for visits in order to meet other young people and talk with them.

Home visits

The aim of these visits is to see the state of health, the evolution of the patients as well as the facilitation of psycho-social integration.

Raising awareness among drug consumers on the ground

L’objectif de la sensibilisation était de motiver ces consommateurs à
visiter le centre pour bénéficier de l’aide